Ocean Of Knowledge
- source : www.google.com -
Knowledge is something we can tell but no one can see how much a person knowledge about something. Not all people want to share their knowledge, depends on their character and personality. A person need to build up a character that need to learn or love to learn, not fast to learn. Fast to learn is something that some people have the ability. The image above shows the illustration or drawing about a rack full of book, like a library for someone's room. The ocean or river above the rack shows that we have knowledge at the beginning of the river or ocean. There is much more that we need to dive in the deep ocean, including forests that are described as knowledge that must be dug up and explored.
The artistic value was shown by the illustrator by giving many implicit message. A good art or the painter itself, may lead viewers to imagine like they think. The overall message are serenity, knowledge, joy and mystery. The image give us a hint that the knowledge is like of a drop in the ocean. The more we think we have discovered many knowledge about technology, geographical, politics including life, the more we need to think we have to learn again and discover other corner.
The color that been use split complementary of color scheme. The main color been use are green and blue. Somehow the illustrator build up an attraction on the books my using red color. Green was use to describe the forest, while blue used to describe the ocean or river. Many art today, drawing to create audience that love the beauty, forget to make the audience see the message that have to focus on. A creative illustration, can harmonize the color perfectly and at the same time can show what the real message about the art.
I love the way the illustration mentioned. I was searching for inspirational illustrations. I must say that this is the best one!
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